Saturday, July 17, 2010

Anime Report: July 17, 2010

Summer is shining, and it's getting pretty damn hot. Here's some updates.
  • Bakemonogatari: Watched it, LOVED it! I would rate this higher than Railgun, there for becoming my best anime for 2009. I think I'm going to be buying the Blu-rays for this :D
  • To LOVE-ru Second Season Confirmed!: The big hit ecchi manga To LOVE-ru is back on TV this October after the OVA series and the manga have concluded in June. I hope they go over Kotegawa's valentine day episode...
  • MUSIC JAPAN: NHK's MUSIC JAPAN is going to finally run the Anime Song Special 3 on August 1 and August 8! I hope they do an international broadcast through TV Japan. Must see are the duets of Nana Mizuki and Yukari Tamura, as well as Yui Makino on a rare television appearance as she will be doing the first ever Seiyuu artist European tour, and new forces such as fripSide.
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